14 اسفند 1403

مرکز تحقیقات بیوسنسور

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

لیست اخبار صفحه :2
Adverse effects of polystyrene nanoplastic and its binary mixtures with nonylphenol on zebrafish nervous system: From oxidative stress to impaired neurotransmitter system

Adverse effects of polystyrene nanoplastic and its binary mixtures with nonylphenol on zebrafish nervous system: From oxidative stress to impaired neurotransmitter system

Micro(nano)plastics generally co-exist with other chemicals in the environment, resulting in inevitable interaction and combined toxic effects on biota. Nevertheless, little is known regarding the interaction of nanoplastics (NPs) with other co-occurring insults. Hereby, we investigated single and combined effects of chronic exposure (45 days) to polystyrene nanoplastic particulates (PS-NPs) and nonylphenol (4-NP) on zebrafish nervous system.

Toward waterborne protozoa detection using sensing technologies

Toward waterborne protozoa detection using sensing technologies

Drought and limited sufficient water resources will be the main challenges for humankind during the coming years. The lack of water resources for washing, bathing, and drinking increases the use of contaminated water and the risk of waterborne diseases.

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