Mar 13 2025

Biosensor Research Center

Page Number :1
Summer School 1402

Summer School 1402

The Second Summer School of the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism - 1402

Publication of a paper in the field of materials engineering in a reputable journal with a high impact factor

Publication of a paper in the field of materials engineering in a reputable journal with a high impact factor

The results of a review article, in collaboration with researchers from the Biosensor Research Center at the Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Azad University of Science and Research, Sharif University of Technology, the University of Barcelona, and the University of Central Florida, on the application of biomimetic nanofibers in wound healing and skin regeneration, have been published in the reputable journal Progress in Materials Science, which has an impact factor of 37/4 and a citation score of 67/5

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